Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd, 2012: A Local Lake

Today I visited a local area with a large lake and a smaller one beside it. I was looking for new goslings and I found some. One pair has 4 little babies. There are probably 20-30 adults here so there will probably be more soon and maybe some ducklings too as I came across half an egg shell. It was 6 Celsius / 42 Fahrenheit today, very cloudy and cold. I was frozen. I was glad I wore my winter jacket.

Canada Geese

I came across this half of an egg shell - probably a goose egg from these goslings - or maybe from another batch of new goslings. So cool.

Male Mallard Ducks


  1. Pam, what am I going to do with you??? LOL! These are great!!! Wonderful!! There is going to be a long list! Stop taking pictures! LOL! Hey, I was wondering, when you take pictures, is it a good way to pick up guys? LOL!

  2. Pam - all the shots are truly gorgeous! Love those little ones and the mallard in flight.
    Stacy! :O What are you thinking? I bet it is :D

  3. See Lee, thinks it's a great way to pick up guys too ;o)

  4. Stacy and Lee - LMAO you girls are cracking me up. I look a little crazy when I am taking pictures, so haven't picked any guys up so far lol
